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IN THE DARK 2 is a 2D puzzle game featuring over 1,000 puzzles with the same solution: turn the lights out. Each light, when turned on or off, will flip the states of the lights adjacent to it.

IN THE DARK 2 takes the idea of In The Dark and expands upon the original formula by not only increasing the challenge, complexity, and depth of puzzles with up to 5x5 grid light arrays but also offers irregular light patterns beyond a uniform array (see screenshots). The sci-fi story is brought to a larger stage, where pieces will be revealed not only by beating the puzzles but unraveling the mystery of the purpose behind them through clues on each of the planets.

IN THE DARK 2 is not just a puzzle game though, as we have also included a series of Top-Down Shoot 'em Up Missions so you can enjoy some Arcade Action between the mind-bending puzzles!

IN THE DARK 2 is a collaboration between Gumpy Function and Pearacidic. You can check out their solo GB and GBC games by clicking on either name or follow their game dev journey by clicking on the socials links in the credits below.


  • DMG/Pocket Compatibility in addition to GBC
  • Story Mode with detailed cutscenes, 200 Progressively Perplexing Curated Puzzles to solve in a 4x4 and 5x5 grid format, and a Science Fiction Mystery to uncover
  • A "Par" is set for each level to push you to find the quickest solution.
  • An Undo Move Feature to help assess a recent move without locking it in when going for Pars
  • Free Play Mode - With over 1,000 possible puzzle combinations, you never know what you'll get!
  • A variety of Optional Achievements offer additional challenges
  • 20 Detailed and Unique Theme Variants to Unlock and Enjoy in Free Play and Challenge Mode - Unlock through progress and clearing Pars!
  • A Bonus arcade-style Shoot'em Up Game to play*
  • Save Game (with Data Clear function)
  • *requires a color device

To play 'Mission 1: Attack on Mardi IV' of the Flight Training Simulator (the bonus shmup game), interact with Cadet Mandella on the bridge of the Leviathan.

Game Design, Art, Story and Dialog by Gumpy Function | Website | Mastodon | Instagram
Programming and Story by Pearacidic | X | Mastodon
Music & SFX by Beatscribe | X


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looks fire! Keep up the good work! :)


Congrats on your launch! Very great pixel art and animations <3

